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Important Club Reminders

CLUB POLICIES & CODE OF CONDUCT: For a full list of Club Policies, Protocols, and Helpful Tips, please visit our Code of Conduct/Policies/Protocols/Helpful Tips.

MEMBERSHIP REMINDER: Memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable, and cannot be frozen. For your convenience, they will auto-renew at the end of your membership period. If you would like to CANCEL, you must do that online through the member portal or by calling/emailing the Club.

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: We hope we never need it, but in case of illness or injury, please update your contact information via the member portal HERE with an emergency contact. Just click on your name on the far right, and go to “Personal Information”.

COURT CANCELLATIONS: Please remember that you must cancel a court reservation, social play, clinic, or lesson 12 hours prior to the event (unless otherwise specified) to avoid being charged a cancellation fee equal to your registration fee. Certain special events and lessons have different cancellation windows and will always be shown in Court Reserve when you register or on the website and Social Media–please don’t forget to check. Cancel through the APP or member portal, call the front desk, or email We will use the date/timestamp of that message to determine whether the cancellation fee applies. Thank you!

COURT COURTESY: You may notice yellow plastic chains at the access points to each court. The Club is happy to provide these for players to communicate a game is in progress. These are typically used by members with Private Court Rentals to prevent other players from walking through their courts. Please respect chains when you see them and use the communal alleys to access your desired court.

COURT RESERVATIONS: Please help us to speed up check-ins at the front desk. When reserving a court, please add all players to the reservation record in Court Reserve at least 1 day PRIOR to your court rental time. Be sure to add Club Members as “players” and NOT in the “guest” section. This will avoid the $5/hour guest fee. All non-members MUST be entered as guests.

DUPR EVENTS: DUPR scores are updated daily in member profiles in Court Reserve. MBPC uses DUPR scores to restrict registration for a few events (high-level socials) and DUPR scoring events have a minimum and maximum level. Please be sure your FIRST and LAST NAME match exactly between the Court Reserve and DUPR systems so the integration can occur accurately. DUPR sheets are always available at the front desk for you to record any games during socials and court rentals if all 4 players agree and have a DUPR account.

DEMO PADDLE LOANER PROGRAM: Loaner and demo paddles are available for use by all MBPC members. You can check them out at the front desk. We now also offer a “Lifetime Demo Program” for unlimited use of “Premium” demo paddles for a $25 non-refundable annual fee. This can be charged directly to your account and is only available to active members in good standing.

CUSTOM PADDLE BANDS: So many paddles look-alike– order your custom MBPC Paddle Bands with your name or initials at the front desk!

RECYCLE YOUR OLD PADDLES: Have paddles sitting at home collecting dust? Let us give them new life! PADDLES FOR A PURPOSE is a service project started by two MBPC sisters, Gemma, and Paige (ages 13 and 11). Help us spread pickleball love by dropping off your paddles in the big, labeled box at MBPC!

SYNCHING YOUR CALENDAR WITH COURT RESERVE: You can easily synch your Google/Outlook/iPhone calendar with Court Reserve. This link will help to explain how to do this: Link Calendars with Court Reserve

TOURNAMENT SUCCESS? We are so proud when our members have Pickleball success! If you let us know of your tournament success outside of MBPC, we will shout it from the rooftops! In fact, if you send us a picture of you wearing MBPC apparel while competing in a tournament outside MBPC, we would like to reward you with a free Social Play pass. If you send us a picture of you wearing MBPC apparel while on the winners’ podium, we will give you a $20 gift certificate to the MBPC Merch Nook.

COURT RESERVE NOTIFICATIONS: Turn on NOTIFICATIONS for Court Reserve in your SETTINGS on your phone. We have enabled NOTIFICATIONS on our end which means that your reminders for all court/clinic/lesson reservations and social play registrations, will now show up as NOTIFICATIONS on your phone and on your CR APP in the new NOTIFICATIONS tab at the bottom.

MONTHLY INVOICING: We collect and process your fees once a month. You will receive an invoice to review before we charge your card.

CRACKED BALLS: Please be sure to put cracked balls into our recycling box between the cubbies in the social area. P3Pickleball Recycling.

MBPC MEMORIES / GALLERIES: We love our photo galleries and hope you do too! Check them out HERE to reminisce about the amazing MBPC events. Recap of our tournaments will always be found on our YouTube channel.

MEMBER DISCOUNTS: Use the following code to receive an MBPC member discount: [Code: CRMBPC].