Social (Open) Play
Social Play is MBPC’s version of “Open Play”—it is a more structured “Drop-In”. It’s an opportunity to join new friends or play with old friends for either 90 minutes or 2 hours of organized matches with alternating players that are randomly assigned. Members must register in advance for Social Plays. There are many different types of 2-hour Social Play events scheduled for individuals, couples, by level and by theme. There will be multiple social play events on a daily basis. See calendar below to find the perfect Social Play for you!
DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) Social Plays: MBPC offers multiple DUPR events each week to help players develop their DUPR. You can filter in EVENTS on “DUPR Socials” on Court Reserve or link here to see a list.
View our many Social (Open) Play events shown in the calendar below and click on the event to get a detailed description and to register. It is important that all members arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled event to “check-in” and allow the event to start on time. Late arrivals affect everyone—please be prompt.
- Social Play Description and DUPR: Several Socials at MBPC have DUPR requirements and they are labeled as such. Otherwise, we encourage you to find the Social level that fits best with your skill set. We have added a recommended DUPR level of play for all socials for levels Experienced Beginner through Intermediate/Advanced. You can find these in the descriptions. These are recommended levels and are intended to guide you as you sign up for play. . LINK HERE to review key DUPR pointers and learn more about DUPR at MBPC.
- The first 15 minutes are a warm-up round. If you see that there are people who were unable to get on a court during the first 15 minutes, please only play a game to 7 and invite those sitting out to rotate in for warm-up. If you are still unable to warm up in the first 15 minutes, please let the front desk know so we can make sure you don’t sit out in the first scheduled round.
- Unable to make it last minute? Please be courteous and let the front desk know if you are unable to make a Social Play event. This helps improve the experience for all involved as it gives us time to adjust our Social Play Scrambler (remove your name) and not waste valuable time calling you to see if you are on your way while we are checking everyone in and trying to kick off the event. We, and your fellow members, really appreciate the courtesy of notification!
- Cancellation policy. As a reminder, we have a 12-hour cancellation policy. Meaning, if you would like to cancel a reservation or event within 12 hours of the scheduled start time, we ask that you email or call the Club to let us know and our policy states that you will forfeit your fee. Per the above, we appreciate you letting us know if you are unable to make it as “no-shows” are disruptive to the Social Play process–thanks!
- Playing down a level. If you choose to play down a skill level, please be mindful of the playing level of the others in the group and tone down your game to match that of your opponents. No one enjoys being slammed upon during a Social Play event. Thanks in advance!