Once You Are a Member, Download Court Reserve
Once you are a MEMBER, you should download the COURT RESERVE APP:

Court Reserve is an all-in-one Club reservation and management platform designed to make it easy for you have all the information you need to schedule, play, and pay at your fingertips. Just download the app, enter your email you used to CREATE your account above and the PASSWORD you created as prompted in your WELCOME EMAIL.
How to Create a Court Reserve Account:
The link below will allow you to: 1) CREATE a membership account for MBPC, 2) select your membership type 3) enter critical profile and payment information, and 4) submit it to an MBPC Staff person who will process your payment with the payment profile YOU entered.
After your account is processed as PAID by an MBPC Staff person, you are assigned a TEMPORARY PASSWORD and you will receive a Welcome Email along with a link to RESET your password. Please do so immediately! (Of course, remember your new Password for future use but you are always able to reset it when needed).
Once your account is CREATED, the link below will also allow you to LOGIN to your member portal (using the email you used to CREATE your account and the new password you created) to reserve courts, sign-up for events, book an instructor, check your balance—all on your desktop (or via an app on your mobile phone–see below!)
IMPORTANT: If you already have a Court Reserve account for another Club, LOGIN to your account using your existing credentials for Court Reserve that you set up for your other Club and go to “MY CLUBS”, go to “JOIN AN ORGANIZATION”, search for “Mercer Bucks Pickleball Club”, click the JOIN button and follow steps to “REQUEST ACCESS”.