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League Details

SPRING 2023 League Details



  • Members: $150 per person
  • Non-Members: $175 per person  


  • Two matches will be played weekly (about 90 minutes) during the scheduled timeslot shown in graphic based on level.  A match is best of 3 games played to 11-win by 2
  • Game scores will be recorded and presented to the desk at the completion of the match
  • MBPC will enter all scores into DUPR after each week’s play
  • League standings will be determined based on each player/team earning the following points:
    • 3 points if you win the match
    • 2 points if you win 1 of 3 games
    • 1 point if you lose the first 2 games (no need to play the 3rd game)
    • 0 points if you forfeit
  • Week 8 will be seeded play-off to determine league championship. If needed, tiebreaker is based on head-to-head then point differential


  • Mixed Doubles: Team is one man and one woman
  • Ladies’ Doubles: Team is 2 Women
  • Men’s Doubles: Team is 2 Men
  • Both members of the Doubles team will register themselves individually in Court Reserve (link below) and enter their partner’s name and their substitute’s name where prompted
  • Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the first-place team and the runner-up team

-> Each person that registers should have a substitute player in mind in case they are unavailable in a given week

-> Substitute players must not exceed the playing level of your absent partner 


There will be no full or partial refunds for individuals or teams who withdraw within 1 week of the first play date for your respective league.

LINK TO REGISTER: (Non-members call front desk at 609.883.MBPC)